Saturday, July 19, 2014

Just Keep Swimming...Just Keep Swimming...

I'm in that stage where I still reach for the measuring cups and spoons and ask myself at the end of the day "did you get all your protein in??".  It's hard to shift gears after months of weighing, measuring and recording everything that passes your lips.

I haven't made up my mind if I'll compete again.  I still think about how I felt in June..the excitement...the anxiety...the stress...but, in the end, I did enjoy the journey.

It was harder this last time.  The diet was more defined and changed from day to day (I guess that's why it's called a "diet").  My weight training and cardio sessions were more intense.  The way I practiced my posing was adjusted based upon how my body was transforming.

The goal was to keep my muscle mass up while decreasing the body fat.  The high water, carb cycling, intense cardio and low fat regimen is the recipe to accomplish that.  Although it was very tough some days, I survived!

It's been kinda fun, (and I say that lightly), to talk about how I "acted" while I was preparing for this show.  
Let me expand that a little bit...
I recently found out that on low carb days, my family didn't argue with me about anything!  I was right no matter what I said (duh!)..I kinda relate it to the Snicker's know, where the kid is unruly and aggressive (Joe Pesci), then eats a Snicker's bar (aka carbs!) and turns into a relaxed, easy going, passive person.
 I feel that I survive my low carb/no carb cycling days by making sure I ate all my vegies, protein, and drank ALL my WATER to keep the hunger pains intact! Although my family has a different perspective on how I handled those days, (and I respect them for that)... I have apologized to them...(even though I really don't think I was a "Joe Pesci";).

I also remember that if I was upset about something, I'd first ask myself how many carbs I'd had for the day before I reacted.  If it was low, my mouth stayed shut!  Even in my big girl job...I just acted like Dora in Little Nemo..."just keep swimming..just keep swimming...."  don't let anything get your panties in a bundle today, cuz you are probably overreacting!!  Funny how I KNEW this about those really do become more in tune with how your body feels when you are fueling it differently.

I've been asked what my plan is now...these days, I'm still conscious of what I am eating.  I've had my share of treats..and have found out that adding gluten and dairy back into my diet is not an overnight process (no pizza or beer yet!!).  My RA has been getting angry with me on days that I have more sugar than I, I know for my joints, staying low sugar is a good option (and it's usually how I  eat anyway).
I'm not really counting the grams of carb, protein and fat I take in...but I can feel the days when my intake is not balanced.  I especially notice it in my energy level when I teach classes.  I have to tell you...the first day back teaching and having carbs on board was AmAzInG!!  I had not idea I could fly around the room and feel like I had energy to climb the walls and swing from the rafters!!  What a feeling!!!

I'm slowly getting back into lifting body sessions after  a week off...then upper and lower body sessions...I like to lift weights.  I like feeling strong, and, at my age, to see muscle development is a good thing!
So...I don't have to make any decisions right now about the future.  I'm happy with how things are going and know that if there are Joe Pesci  and Dora days in my future, I'll be ready to *just keep swimming...just keep swimming...*

Saturday, June 28, 2014


It's been a week since I was on the stage.  At this very moment last Saturday, I was getting my food ready to take to the convention center.  Nervous to find out how I placed in the categories I competed in.

Today, I spent some time really thinking about when I started this journey, way back on July 1, 2013.  Not even a year ago... I picked up my first weight in many years and started logging my food into the "my fitness pal" app.  I had a goal: to compete in NPC Women's Figure Category on October 12, 2013.  (You can read all about it in my previous blogs!).
I placed 4th out of 12 girls in the Women's Master's 40+ division and also 4th in the Figure Class D division (also with 12 girls).  I was please with the results, but, knew I could do better!  I was hungry for more!
NPC October 21, 2013 Women's Figure Class D
After my first show, my objective was to put on muscle weight, fill out those muscle bellies, and work hard to improve the balance between my upper and lower body (ie: build my back and shoulders so it looks like I have a waist!).

June 21, 2014...the day arrived...I had hoped that everything I had done would pay off.  Did I do enough?  Should I have worked harder?  This prep was so different than my last show, and even though I was tired, I wanted to go out there and show the judges just what this old lady can do with a couple months in the weight room!
I have been looking at the pictures from last Saturday's show.  I competed in Women's Master's 40+ Figure and Figure Class's Master's Physique and Women's Open Physique Class.

NPC June 21, 2014 Women's Figure Pictures:

NPC June 21, 2014 Women's Physique Poses:

There's a couple key pearls I'd like to share.  I weighed the same at both competitions.  My body fat was about 1% LOWER at this years competition.  In my off season training, I had put on ~8lbs of muscle.  I didn't take any supplements, except protein powder when needed.  I took a multi vitamin, plus my prescribed meds for my Rheumatoid Arthritis.  All physical changes were accomplished through food intake~and~lifting weights 6 days per week.  
The judges told me to build my back and shoulders...well...I did and it resulted in First place in Master's Physique and First place in Master's Figure 40+, AND Overall Figure Master's winner, plus, 2nd place in Figure Class C and Physique open.  Whew!!  That's a lot of shoes on, shoes off rigmarole backstage!!  

So, now what....time to relax the body.  I said this would be my last time competing.  Yes, it's a lot of work.  But the thrill of walking on stage and showing how all your hard work has paid off is so rewarding.  The days of hunger and exhaustion just magically disappear when the trophies are placed in your hands.  What to do...what to do...what to do???
I have so many thoughts that are buzzing around in my head..that I think I will need to address them in  another blog :D....Stay tuned...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Throw Back Thursday...

I feel so different this time.  I remember last October and the nervous excitement I felt before Brittani and I headed to Minneapolis.  This time, I will be alone back stage...

In October, Brittani was my lifesaver.  I was in a fog..didn't know what to do, when to do it, where to go and for what length of time.

There are "things" that need to take place before you put on your shoes and step on stage...under the bright lights...into the little front of the judges....

You need to eat a small concoction of carbs to fuel the body (dictated by the Master).  Then, you need to make sure you PUMP up to get the muscle bellies looking full.  You also need to get in line and have lovely people oil you down so you look fantastic under the lights.  Don't forget to make sure your suit is glued down so it doesn't creep into places it shouldn't!!  And, if needed, get your spray tan fixed if you accidentally got water on yourself, or, if you were sweating.  (The tan turns green if you sweat, not good!).

The back stage ringmaster will yell out which order should be lining up to "walk" to the other side of the stage...who should be warming up...who should be getting ready to line up next.

It's a small area where all this happens...dumbbells and exercise bands are all over the place.  You gotta find what you need and a small space to work on what you need to do.  There are some mirrors set up...not many..if you want to go through your poses one more time and see yourself.

The atmosphere is usually jovial.  Maybe because everyone are looking forward to the after the show food???
The competitors are very supportive of each other...I especially witnessed this with those that had competed previously...they seemed so relaxed and would engage in casual conversation so much easier than us virgins.  "Where are you from?"  "Is this your first competition?"  "YOU look great!"  "Just have fun!" (yeah, right! Maybe, when all the nervous bugs leave my body!!).  To..funny stories of situations that happened during the prep season-to- talking about what they are looking forward to eating-and-NEVER eating again!!

The one thing that everyone backstage has in common is that they have all changed their lifestyle, nutrition consumption, personal and social life, and exercise regimen for THIS ONE DAY!

Some are there to cross off a personal goal, an achievement that they never thought they could come close to.
Some are there to move onto the next step of competing at a National Level with the dream of moving on to the Professional level.
Some are there because this is part of their compete in a annual show and have that be part of their yearly bucket list.
No matter what the goal for the day is...we've been through a life changing 12+ weeks of preparation that we all can relate to.

I've had days where I've been so exhausted I've sat in my bed and cried.  I've asked myself the question of "why is a lady of my age doing this??"  How can I get through another day of feeling like the end is so close, but feels so far away.
Do you know what I do?
I tell myself "Suck it up, Buttercup!"
 You can do this!!
You are healthy, you are strong and you've got people that believe in you and support you...Now, start  believing in yourself!
Wipe away those tears...go make your egg whites and drink your water...You are one step closer to saying, I DID IT!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting a couple points straight...

I thought it would be good to share a little history about me.  This was mainly brought to mind because I've had so many comments lately of people saying that they couldn't do what I'm doing.  Well, I was saying the same thing about a year ago...

I was the girl that had good intentions, but would not always stick to a scheduled plan.
I was the girl that wanted instant results, and would give up when I didn't see anything happening in a week.
I was the girl that would have "just one more cookie" that turned into...well, who really counts how many cookies you eat??
I was the girl that would think that eating less would produce the results I wanted.
I was the girl that would eat out of boredom, or when I was stressed.
I was the girl that would eat what everyone else was eating because I didn't want to be different.

So, you see, I'm pretty normal.  I AM just like you.  The only difference from today compared to almost a year ago, is that "I" decided I wanted to make a challenge see if I could do it.

I really didn't think I could.  Every morning I would wake up and say to myself...Why are you doing this?  Do you need to do this?  Are you sure you want to do this?
The answers were..."I really don't know"...."No, not really"....and "I'm not sure".
However, at the end of the day when I stuck to my plan for the day, my answers to those three questions began to change...
Why am I doing this?  I like the idea of a new challenge, to do something different, to change what I'm currently doing to see what happens
Do I need to do this?  Well, no.  But, why not?  Life is short (stay awake for it!).  Let's see what happens when you do change things up a bit.
Are you sure you want to do this?  Each day the answer would turn more toward YES.  Especially, when I would start to see changes happening.

The physical changes didn't happen overnight.  But the secondary benefits started within days...I slept better, my joints felt great, I had more energy, my skin became clearer (yes, I still get pimples like a school girl!).  I just felt....better!
It really wasn't about what the scale said.  Did I notice I had more energy throughout the day?  Did I feel better and more energetic when I exercised?  Did I not rely on caffeine to get me through the 3pm hump everyday?  Yes...Yes...and Yes!

I have to add that having the support of my family has made a tremendous difference.  My poor boys have not had birthday cake this past year...Mother's Day and Father's Day went by without the traditional visit to cold stone creamery...Mama's not baking cookies and bars and making hotdishes!!  I make my food, it's all measured and I cannot share.  I know my food smells good cuz you are hungry (because I don't cook for you), but you cannot have any.  Bad mommy!!
On the flip side (like flipping pancakes!), my family has been my lifesaver.  Telling me I'm doing great!  Mom, your ripped!  Mom...Front Double Bicep it now!  My house is crazy at times!  But, I love it.  I couldn't do it without them.
The people you surround yourself with are also a huge influence on how you progress.  Are you able to feel proud about all your changes?  Do you feel comfortable talking about your lifestyle changes and know that you wont be judged?  Will they encourage you when you are feeling like giving up?
I am so blessed to have people that wrap me up in their arms everyday and tell me to keep going.  I get funny Facebook stickers from some that represent how I'm feeling, or, pics of encouragement to stay strong.  Texts and emails from people that I have encouraged to make changes in their own life.  Pinterest shares of recipes and motivational quotes.  

So, let's readdress the questions today:
Why am I doing this?
   Because, I am determined to do something different and achieve a new goal at my age.
Do I need to do this?
   Yes.  I want to prove to my inner voice that I am stronger than all the negative thoughts that can creep into my head on a daily basis.
Are you sure you want to do this?
   I'm in too far to turn back now!!  Let's do this, give it 100% and never look back with a "I wish I would've..."  statement.

Each day is a challenge, but as you become stronger, so does your determination and willpower to keep going.
I will always be that girl that enjoys food and having fun in life...but, after going through this experience, I now go through life with a different outlook and attitude toward my health!  Fuel the body with goodness, and goodness will follow:)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Learning something new...

Here's what I've learned....

  • I no longer like Tilapia
  • I LOVE the taste of peanut butter with egg whites
  • I get bloated after adding crystal light packets to my water (so now I just drink plain water)
  • When I drink all my water, I don't even miss my Diet Mountain Dew (Haven't had one in a couple months).
  • Drinking a liter of iced water when I first wake up, wakes me up!!
  • Going to sleep before 11p makes me feel energized during the day
  • If I stick to the plan, the changes do occur
  • I know where all the good bathrooms are along my work routes
  • I can follow a gluten and dairy free regimine
What I need to learn...
  • Patience
  • Drink my 12 liters of water as early as I can so I'm not up 5 times during the night to evacuate
  • This is about what I can do, not what others are doing
  • Believe in myself
  • Physique poses....and 2 weeks!
Yep, you read that last bullet correct...Along with the Figure category, I will also be competing in the Novice 35+ Physique category.  YIKES!!!  That's right, Caryn, just add a little more stress to your last two weeks.  How did this goes a lil something like this...

When I met with Christine last week, she asked me to take off my stripper shoes (she didn't actually call them stripper shoes, that's my name for them).  She walked me through the 5 poses that I'd have to do if I competed in the Physique division.  She suggested I do the Novice division at the upcoming show.  My initial reaction was...WHAT??  Seriously???  Am I being PUNKED??   (spell check doesn't even recognize that word! Make sure you google it *punked* if you don't know what I'm referring to :)
We talked about my progress.  It is kinda evident that Physique would fit my body structure better (build the back and shoulders to make it look like I have a waist).  
So, I told her I'd think about it....and I did...for a day (don't have a lot of time to decide!!)...
I also talked to THE CHAMP (aka Brittani- my daughter), to see what she thought.  Could I pull it off?  Am I ready to cross pollinate?  And, most importantly...WILL YOU HELP ME!!!??? 
The Champ said it!!...why not?? (um, maybe because I don't know what I'm doing???).

So here we are, 2 weeks out from the show and I'm practicing model turns with heels on, and also barefoot.  Toes pointed forward, and toes pointed out.  Squeeze and contract the muscles (Get BIG!) and lift shoulders and arch the back.  Oh...and, don't forget...I also need to pick a song and put together a one minute lil routine to it.  
Brittani walked me through the poses yesterday.  She makes it LOOK so easy!!  It's not!  I will be practicing like a mad woman! 
 I woke up this morning and told myself that I am committed to take this new experience and make it successful.   Getting back into that little box, on that stage, with all the bright lights, looking at people that are judging me on how my I look, and SMILING :D.. at this point~ equates to success in my book!

The goal now is to make sure what I do *inside* that box reflects all the hard work I've done *outside* the box!!  

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Finding the Energy!

I'm tired...I'm hungry...I'm excited...I'm nervous...and, sometimes, a little edgy.

Each day I keep telling myself to keep going...put down the spoon and don't eat anymore peanut butter.  I know you are hungry, but get through it and reap the benefits when you see your body making the changes you are working toward.  What gets me through?  I know this is not fact, we are 3 weeks away.   I also keep telling myself that all this hard work, in and out of the kitchen, will be soooooo worth it.

My meetings with Christine are going well.  My body fat is where it was before my last show and she feels it will continue to drop a little lower.  She has changed up my eating and weight training schedule for the next week.  I will now be adding cardio blasts into my weight training circuits.  I've been lifting higher reps with short rest breaks the last couple weeks, so adding in high cardio bursts will definitely challenge me.  But, for those that know me...when have I ever backed down from a challenge? :)

I'm still carb cycling and will be eating high carbs this weekend (Yay!!).  However,  they are limited to a certain "kind" of carb...rice, potato, yam, cream of more fruit...only complex carbs for this lady (that started last week!).  I then go to "0" carbs for a couple days~which, I've been doing for the past couple weeks.  I've gotten through it.  My head feels a little fuzzy and I am usually pretty careful about making big decisions on those days.  (If I show up driving a convertible, or, a tattoo on my body-you know I probably did it on a low carb day!).
 I don't really feel that I've gotten cranky, I usually get quiet when I'm hungry, or, as my TRX class peeps know, I usually talk about food :O).
 When I teach class, I  tell myself to KEEP GOIN!  Don't slow down!  Find those fat cells and make them shrink down to a raisin!!   I've also notice that when I'm on lower carbs, my heart rate doesn't go up as high, which results in fewer calories burned.  But, I'll take a 550 calorie burn in a 60 minute exercise sessions any day!!   On Sunday's, I typically do a 5 mile walk ( at about a 4.5mph pace) and based upon my body weight, that's only about 377 calories burned.  I am a sweat junkie.  Getting a good sweat while walking is tough (usually doesn't happen), but, put me in my ZUMBA class and within 20 minutes I'm drenched!!  Liquid Awesome everywhere!

A good friend of mine is doing her first competition this weekend.  I'm so excited for her.  I LOVE watching people follow their dreams, and sometimes, having the dream find them and pull them toward it.  This young lady has shown perseverance and strength over the last 6 months.  She kept going and believing in herself.  I am ready to watch her put all her hard work into play!!

That's the key to anything you want in life.  How bad do you want it?  What are you willing to do to get it?  How will it impact your life (if negative~throw it out!)?   When it gets tough and you want to quit, what/who will keep you going?  Do you have the support you need to encourage you when you are ready to stop believing in yourself?   I go through these same feelings...but, believing in yourself, trusting your journey and knowing that you will be stronger, more confident and SO proud of yourself, makes all the sacrifices worthwhile.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

One Day at a Time

So, here we are...getting closer.  Less than 5 weeks to go.  It seems like a long time, but in reality, it's not.  I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time.  Will I get "the look" that I need to place higher this year?  Is my body transforming fast enough?  I guess, only time will tell.

There's been some changes in my training and nutrition guidelines.  I've been dairy and gluten free for over two weeks.  Cottage cheese and plain greek yogurt were an everyday ingestion for protein up to that point.  I eat a lot of egg whites, chicken, shrimp and cod.  For some reason, I cannot eat tilapia anymore.  The last time I had it, it tasted like dirt to me and I barely choked it down (going through that once is enough!).  My fat intake is also low, so I savor every morsel of peanut butter that is on my tablespoon. Now I know why cats "lick the bowl"...I don't want to leave anything in my spoon!!! I have found a new peanut butter with lower fat, Jif Whips, and am also using a lot of PB2.  I've had to get pretty creative with my meals.  I'm eating a lot more vegies for fillers - celery, carrots, red pepper (green peppers make me burp-a lot!), asparagus, tomato, and broccoli slaw.  I've also discovered tofu noodles that really taste pretty good!

This upcoming week has some new changes that I've told myself that we just need to approach one day at a time.  One meal at a time.  One bite at a time.  I feel like this is the peak of transformation time.  Gonna be challenging, but I know I can do it!!  By the way...dieting sucks!!  I know I'm doing this for a specific goal, and the benefits are definitely becoming evident when my weight and body fat are doing what they should.  But, I know why people can't stick to a diet...they are not realistic in the real world.  This show prep is so different compared to last fall.  I'm still eating quite a bit of food, but in different combinations - lower fat~ carb cycling~ more water~...I trust the process, but boy is it a change for me.
Change is good! That is how we get the body to respond.  For four months I was eating high fat, high carb and high protein to put on muscle weight (which I accomplished), so, the smart thing to do is make changes in my consumption and get the body to let go of unneeded pounds and fat weight to show off the filled muscle bellies underneath.  Isn't this FUN??  :)

I'm meeting with Christine weekly.  She evaluates my posing, diet and measures my body fat.  My posing is different compared to my show in October.  Mainly, because my body has changed.  So, where I place my arms, shoulders and how much I arch my lower back play a huge factor on how I can show off all my hard work.  I'm practicing every day...I have my 5" shoes in the bathroom and when I'm getting ready in the morning, they are part of my routine.  Every time I have to reach for my blow dryer, make up, lotion...I have to practice my quarter turns.  I don't think I'll ever be completely comfortable in those shoes, but, I'm gonna fake it until I make it!!

I was asked if I remember the last 5 weeks that led up to my last competition, and if I felt that it went by fast.  When I really think about the timeline, I feel that it will fly by...June 21st will be here before I know it.  On the other hand, when I look at my nutrition guidelines, it feels like a LONG time....all I can do is stick to the plan...and take it one day at a time!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Banana Bread....

Two week have past since I started the countdown.  The nutrition guidelines have changed and results are happening.  My body fat is coming down, and amazingly, my strength continues to increase.  I need my hubby to help me with 3 out of my 5 lifting days.  He pushes me to lift heavier and encourages me to go 1 more rep when I'm ready to be done.  By the way, if you hear moaning and loud noises coming from the weight room, we are seriously ONLY lifting weights ;).
The carb cycling has been tolerable.  For the past two weeks, I have been eating anywhere from 1800-2600 calories per day. No deprivation, just nutrient adjustments.  On days where my carbs were higher, my fat intake is lower. On days where my carbs were lower, my fat intake was higher.  Definitely can feel the difference when I teach on higher carb verus lower carb days.

Christine did a posing and contest prep seminar at my studio this past weekend.  I've been practicing my posing~ visualizing the little box in the middle of the big stage~walking in my 5" heels (gracefully!)~and hoping my suit will cover my backside after all the squats I've done since October.  But, to have the master look at your physique and make adjustments based on how you look, helps tremendously.  "Pop your shoulder"  "Lift up through your armpits"  "You look better than your showing me (aka:  that last pose needs some serious work!)"  I'm practicing and practicing....even though this will be my second show (only!), I still have the same feelings of nervousness and anxiety that I experienced last fall.

I've been trying to change up my food, especially now that I have to get more creative when I have lower carb days.  Last night I had chicken breast and tofu noodle soup.  It was De-Lish!!  Made by my very own hands and I'm pretty proud of it!  You see, I come from a family of 8 children.  My mom and most of my sister are FANTASTIC cooks...they can throw things together and just by adding a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that, Boom!!  food that tastes amazing!  Me, not so much!  I have a hard time figuring out which spice would enhance the flavor of poultry versus beef, or, seafood versus pasta.  My go to spices are:  pepper, cayenne pepper and Tastefully Simple Seasoned salt.  Oh, and maybe some oregano when I want to be extra fancy :).
I have had some crazy dreams.  One included me eating my sisters unbelievably delicious banana bread, I swear I could taste it in my mouth during my dream.  That great moment was interrupted by my subconscious telling my dream persona that I am NOT supposed to be eating that during competition prep!  In another dream, I dreamt that the eggs I had purchased started to hatch in the carton and I was upset because I needed to eat the egg white and didn't want a whole chicken!!

I've been out with people on a couple different occasions and watched them eat everything I can't~which I am totally fine with!  For the next 9.5 weeks, I don't get any more "cheat" meals, or, big girl beverages. Food has a purpose, and the enjoyment factor is kinda at the bottom of the list.  I would rather continue to be social versus staying at home and drooling over food on the Food Network channel (my porn!) or luscious looking recipes on Pinterest.

On the home front, I have demanded that cakes, cookies and goodies be kept out of my site.  My daughter is not going through training with me for this upcoming show, so I have kindly asked her to remove her birthday cakes and goodies out of view.

As of yesterday, my nutrition guidelines have been changed.  We are
lowering everything again to see if the body continues to respond.
Am I hungry? Yes!  Am I starving? No!  Is this different than last time? Yes!  Can I do it? Heck Yes!  
I would strongly advise if you don't know the meaning of the word, Hangry, to look it up.  It may explain any changes in my demeanor you may witness :).

Sunday, March 30, 2014

And The Countdown Begins!

12 weeks out...can't believe we are finally here!!

I met with Christine last week for the start of the Pre Contest Prep Phase.  She definitely can see that my body has changed..."you now have shape!"  Which, in the world of Figure Competitions, is a GOOD thing.

So, here's the plan.  For the next two weeks I am carb cycling. That basically means that I will have a couple days where I'm eating a high amount of carbohydrates and lower fat, and then I will have days where I'm taking in lower amounts of carbohydrates and higher fat.  I've been eating...and eating...and eating, so this will definitely be a change for me.
     I will continue to keep lifting as heavy as I can to to assist with the "shaping" of my body. part of all...I have NO restrictions on the intensity of my cardio workouts!!!  Yippee!!!!!  

Christine will evaluate me again in two weeks, to see how my body responded to a change in my eating pattern and content.    She wants to keep my lean body weight (muscle weight) up and start decreasing my body fat ...heck, yes!  Let's do this!!  Maybe I'll be able to get back into some of my ZUMBA pants again :)

Moving forward, my intention with my blog is to share with you the emotions, challenges and struggles that I encounter with this competition preparation.  I will also share the fun, exciting, motivating and sometimes embarrassing moments and situations I may encounter.  I plan on trying different kinds of food (thank goodness for Pinterest!!) and will let you know what new concoctions I come up with.

Bye Bye sugar, alcohol, candy and processed are not part of my life for the next 12 weeks!!  Hello to ...Here we go again....

Monday, February 17, 2014

Transition Phase....Almost, Complete!

It's getting closer...the date...of my next competition.  I'm still in the transition phase--adding weight, not only in the weight room, but also on my body ;).
  It's been such a different experience for me the last couple months.  Eating and lifting to get bigger...put on weight...& grow those muscle bellies.  I think it's the first time in my life where I'm trying to put on weight, and, accepting it as a good thing.  I've had a couple emotional when most of my work clothes for my big girl job no longer fit...and, I have a basket full of ZUMBA pants that used to be baggie on me, but now, I can barely get them over my bootie!  Not to mention that NONE of my bras fit, unless I add an extender to them!
 It definitely takes me longer to find things to wear these days....but...I know the reason why and I've made myself embrace the changes and congratulated myself on sticking to the plan.  I want to look different when I step on the stage in June.  The judges recommended I widen my back and fill out my glutes, well, tight pants and bras surely support those changes!!

I'm getting antsy to get into the prep phase.  I'm anxious to see how everything responds this time compared to last year.  Will my nutrition plan be different?  Will I look like I have a waist?  Will I still remember how to walk in my shoes :).  I guess we'll just have to wait and the journey, I keep telling myself...and, be patience...Christine knows what's she's doing!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's Time...

Get Fit & Stay Fit
Reach Your Goal & Keep Your Goal

It's not uncommon to feel a little bit of pressure this time of year to state our New Year Resolution...the top ones are lose weight, become more fit, eat healthy, decrease stress and improve surprise! But, what I feel is missing when people make these resolutions is that they neglect to examine what THEY want.  Are you happy at the your current weight?   The way you look and feel about yourself? How much you exercise?  Your answer should help you choose what a realistic New Year Resolution should be.   What do YOU want?

As I read all the posts and watch all the commercials for avenues to lose weight, get in shape, change how you look in just 6,8,12 weeks...I started to think about all the members that I have met over the 25+ years of working as a fitness trainer. Some have joined fitness clubs, weight loss programs, signed up for different challenges etc.  What I found is that the ones that are most successful are those that have the two mottos above as part of their plan.  Don't start and quit...
Don't get there and quit...
Don't expect it to happen quickly...
Don't be unrealistic of what YOU really want and are capable of doing.

  Joining an exercise facility can help you reach your enjoy what you are doing.  If you don't like it, if you dread doing it, if you can't wait for it to be done...then, you are doing the wrong exercise.  Of course, you should feel challenged if it's something you've never done before, and it can make you feel uncomfortable, but the benefits of the time that you take out of your day to focus on yourself should make that time worthwhile. (This is another place where I like to say "Make it a good ROI-Return on Investment!")

I have received emails and letters from people saying that they are so glad they found my studio.  They are sticking to an exercise program that they love and look forward to.  Some have said prior to joining, they have never stuck with an exercise program longer than 30 days.  Many have been coming to classes on a regular basis for over 2 years.  This is so motivating to ME!
What's the secret?  Well...they chose to make fitness a lifestyle.  They chose to Get Fit & Stay Fit.  They chose to Reach Their Goal & Keep Their Goal.  They are still challenging themselves...they still get uncomfortable...they still make mini goals to help maintain their original goal. It's not about's not about's not about's about finding what you want to do to make you want to keep doing it.  

I have a hard time understanding why some people quit exercising.  I don't mean that in a sarcastic, or demeaning manner.  I just really scratch my head when this happens.   I have had conversations and witnessed people that absolutely LOVE the way they feel when they exercise, LOVE the physical, emotional and mental changes that accompany them during their exercise plan.  LOVE the energy they feel throughout the day and how much better they feel about themselves when they are exercising regularly...then BOOM!...they quit.  Not just coming to the studio, but totally quit exercising altogether.  These are the people that I would love to connect with and find out what happened?; how can I help?;  was it something out of their control? etc...It's especially confusing when people that reach their goal (be it weight loss for an upcoming event, get in better shape after a life event, or train for an upcoming challenge), then remove/quit the component that had the most profound affect on their outcome~Exercise!  

So, this year, my resolution is to reach out to those that are struggling and let them know they will succeed.  I want to assist, support, motivate and inspire those that feel they can't do it alone.  I want to cheer, recognize and congratulate those that make the small changes that lead up to their big changes.  I want those that are struggling to know that I struggle too...I have days that sticking to "the plan" is hard and frustrating...I don't always make the best choices...but, I also know that I control my outcome.  I chose many years ago to hop on this party bus and make fitness part of my lifestyle.... I'm hoping I can assist others to come take the ride with me...Let's do This!~~All Aboard!!