Sunday, August 25, 2013


It's been awhile since I've put my thoughts down...I've been BU-ZEE!!  My real job took me across the big pond to Copenhagen, Denmark to see where insulin is produced, packaged and then sent all around the world!  It's was truly amazing to see the simplicity in something that saves my son's life everyday.  Our second child, Tanner, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes when he was 4 years old.  I'm so proud of how he's taken control of his life and is a strong, healthy 20 year old man :)

It's quite the task to take time away...even though I was excited to have this opportunity presented, it was also a change in my routine.  How would I get my workouts in?  What kind of food will be available?  How will I adjust to the time change? Will my family survive without me? (haha!  that's an easy one!).  Amazingly~~~everything worked out.
I planned on bringing over what I needed if I couldn't find know, TRX Suspension Trainer and door adapter, oatmeal, peanut butter, protein powder, raisins...all the good stuff!!  Then I made my "plan" of attack for my workout...I would stick to my lifting schedule (even though I had no idea what weights I'd have access to-hence the TRX Suspension Trainer!) and plan on getting at least 30 minutes of cardio each day.  I think telling myself that this WILL be part of my schedule, just like my meetings were, made me feel better about the break in my routine.
The fitness center had weights--in kg--so my wonderful math skills were put to use...amazing how smaller numbers can make you feel like your not doing what you should (22 kg = ~48lbs, in case you are wondering...), and, after getting asked a couple times if I do Crossfit!!, I had to school some big boys on what I do..  "There's no way you do ZUMBA and can do look like should do Crossfit!", I'm doing ZUMBA and lifting weights and seeing results (I look like "that"), but I should still do crossfit???  My response was "WHY?"  What will Crossfit do for me that I'm not already getting results from?? ...Yep, they were speechless...
Now, don't get me wrong, there is definite benefits from Crossfit--if done correctly--IF done correctly, (I typed that twice on purpose)...and, my philosophy has always been:  if it gets more people to become more active, then by all means do what excites you.  But, for me...I do not see the benefit of jumping up onto big boxes, flipping over tires, and lifting any heavier than I am right'll stick with what excites me.
It is nice to see progress whenever you make changes. People that hadn't seen me since I started this new journey were very impressed (and curious) about what I was doing.  I assisted many with the process of uploading the My Fitness Pal app on their phones :).  They started stealing eggs for me (just kidding...but, I definitely got looks when I grabbed 5 hard boiled eggs every morning) and asked questions about what they should or shouldn't be eating, and, when I was going to work out,  and, what I was lifting and how much....and "can you eat this??"  It was a challenge, but I'm happy to say I maintained my weight while being exposed to beautiful white wine and beer, luscious looking danishes and pastries, and saucy, cheesy, carb loaded dishes.
It is nice to be know what my schedule is going to understand the language that is being spoken around me, to see familiar faces, and sleep in my own bed.
I've realized that no matter what happens in my schedule, it is up to me to stick to my plan and know that in the end I will probably never look back and say "I should have eaten that pastry in Denmark...NOT!"

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I feel like the last week has gone by in a snap of the finger.  I'm so excited for tonights ZUMBAthon for Hope that I can't sit still.
This is the third year of doing this event and I get so fired up for it.  It's so cool to be able to raise money for our community, hand it all over (cash and checks) and know that it will help someone in need.  When people share with me how breast cancer took their mom, sister, friend, relative, acquaintance away from this world, it makes me want to make this event even more successful than the last.
If everyone just stopped and really thought about how it feels to be have breast cancer and we need to start treatment immediately...everything changes-in a snap of the finger.
So far, knock on wood, my boobies (yes, I do have some under those padded bras) are cancer free and I do not have a sibling with breast cancer-yet- (I have 5 sisters so the odds are high that one of us should get it)...however, I did lose a brother in law to cancer, and have 2 nephews that were diagnosed with cancer (they are both under 28 yrs old).  I can sum it up to say that CANCER SUCKS!!!  It really takes over and changes everything!!  We don't get to choose when, what or how...and those that have been through these steps know how it changes your perspective on many things in life.  What really matters comes front and center pretty quickly.
So, tonight I will give it everything I have...I will think of all the people that wish they could be there to dance, and for all those in the crowd that are thinking of those that they are dancing for..and know that I will DANCE for those that CAN'T for as LONG as I CAN! (Because I can!)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Meeting with Christine

This week was another appointment with Christine.  I never sleep well the night before.  I wonder if I've made any improvements since the last time we  met (which was 2 weeks ago).  Will she see any change in my posing-THEY ARE HARDER THAN THEY LOOK!  just sayin"...
What will she change?  What will she write in my "book"?

The book:  it contains my daily weight training sessions...which body part I am working, lifts/exercises, dumbbells, machine, barbell, & how many reps and sets.  Christine writes down my progress when I meet with weight, she takes my body fat using skin calipers  and records my Body Fat percentage, lean body weight and Body Fat weight.  She will also write my diet  how many grams of carbohydrate, fat and protein I need to consume daily.

This week she has increased my fat and carbohydrate intake and posing recommendations~ I have a tendency to want to squeeze instead of spreading....pull in instead of pushing left side turns more than my right side (need to get back into yoga!)...I need to "RELAX" my arms (but just from the elbows down!)...and I'm still getting used to standing in 5" heels...oh, and flare out my thighs...soooooo much happening!!!  I had a decrease in body fat which is what we are working toward, and have increased my lean body weight (muscle weight)-all good stuff- so, I figure all the food I am eating (over 2000 calories per day) is working...

We are 9 weeks out from 8 weeks I start getting serious with the posing practice..hold each pose, run through the routine a couple times each day, stay am I feeling about all this???  I like it!
Here are the benefits I have experienced:  My joints feel wonderful (in case you don't know, I have rheumatoid arthritis), I sleep like a baby (without ambien!), my energy level is up and I don't mind following the "plan".
I also feel like I've observed a lot of different situations this week that has really made me have some "deep thoughts with Caryn Locke"....will save that for another blog entry...time to eat again...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I think I have a love/hate relationship with mirrors.  Have you ever found one that you LOVE, then move to another one and you're  How did that happen??
  I was recently working on my "quarter turn to the right" and noticed that when I was in front of one mirror, I was like "hey...not bad..".  Then I did my lil walk and was in front of another one and was wondering which one was being the most truthful.  Really..within a 10 foot distance my reflection changed that much??  Then I was like...wait a minute...I think I need to quit having the reflection dictate how "I" am feeling about me.  Doesn't matter what image mirror #1 or #2 reflected, it's how I feel about what I'm seeing that should matter the most.  
I do love mirrors for the fact that they can offer when I'm teaching, I rely on the mirrors so I can scan my peeps and make use what I'm doing and saying is being heard and seen correctly.  It's also very helpful when you need to see if "things" are in their right places...or, do we need to PULL them OUT, or, put them back IN??  
I also like mirrors for the many hours I spend driving to make sure Mr Po-Po is seeing that I am NOT speeding...and for Mr and Mrs Rural, that only take the car out on Senior Discount Day to do their shopping, to SEE ME when they PULL OUT right in front of me....seriously!
When we start to have the mirror control our emotions is where I think we need to do an attitude adjustment.  Yes, you do look rested today...No, you do not need to curl your hair today...Yes, I am going to approach my day knowing I am fortunate for all I have, and blessed to be able to use what I got.

It's like those fabulous e-cards...the ones that say, "this is what I think I look like when I'm doing "x"...but this is what I really look like".  I believe in the power of believing that I look that way I want to look...act the way I feel at the moment...and those that are joining me are realizing that the mirror doesn't control me---I do!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

I'm doing what????

I've wanted to do this for, here it goes!
I understand that when you blog, no one can "like" your post, or, block you like on Facebook. So that makes me feel that I can really let the words hit the paper and have them reflect my thoughts.  Let me repeat..."my thoughts"...I cannot guarantee what will be left on paper will always make sense, or seem reasonable...but, I give you my scouts honor (yes, I was a brownie and a girl scout!) that I will try to be the best new blogger that you may ever encounter :)

My latest adventure is that I've entered myself into a Figure Competition...I still have to keep telling myself that I'm going to do it!  My lovely daughter, Brittani, has completed 2 Figure and 1 Physique competition in the last 2 years....and after her first competition, she was planting the seed of wanting me to do one with her.  After watching her last competition in June, I decided that I wanted to do it.  Watching her stay disciplined with her regime along with how proud I felt of her accomplishments, made me want to give it a whirl.

On July 1st, with only Brittani and my hubby knowing, I started the "eating clean" way of life.  I don't like the word "diet", I called it a "new way of fueling my body".  I started keeping record of my food intake by using the My Fitness Pal App and added weight lifting back into my daily schedule.  Brittani would review what I'd eaten each day and give me advice on what I should add, delete, get more of, eat less of...she also wrote out my weight lifting programs for me.  After 2 weeks, I made my decision to do the upcoming show on October 12th.  
I contacted Brittani's Trainer that she'd been working with for nutrition, lifting and posing consultations with the hope that she'd be able to take me on as a new client...and she did!
After my first meeting with her, I felt an uplift of confidence...yep, I can follow the program...I can get stronger...I can learn to walk in 5 inch heels (still practicing!)...I can learn to turn and twist to make this muscle look BIG and make other parts seem SMALL...and I've been practicing every day!
I look forward to my appointments with Christine, hoping she'll see the work I've put in and give me the look of: Yep, girl, you got this...
Brittani and I go to appointments together...while I'm standing in my 5" heels and a bikini going through my poses with Christine, Brittani is a second set of eyes and ears to what is happening...I kinda go tunnelly for awhile...all I see are my legs shaking from being so nervous, and my shoulder not high enough, and my left side not turning as easy as my right side, and trying to spread my lats!!!...all minor things I continue to work on. 
I feel like I am eating all the time...did I get all my carbs in...all my fat...all my protein...such a science!!  Eat this amount before you lift, eat this amount after you lift, drink this after you teach...take a day OFF-WHAT????  
But, I do feel awesome!  I go to sleep every night with a full belly and wake up counting down the seconds until my oatmeal is done...starving!!!  I've seen results already...body fat is down about 2-3% and muscles bellies are filling up (Brittani likes to say that!). 
 I DO want to bring home a first place statue of lady that is well endowed and has long flowing hair and elegant muscles- who wouldn't?? But what I'd like to achieve even more is to be able to walk gracefully on stage in my 5" hooker heels while wearing a sparkly, fancy, less-than-a-bikini outfit, (Must not forget to kick up the heels so your hamstrings show, and sway your hips a bit..) without looking like I'm faking it...and to look back and say I gave it all I had and I had FUN!