Saturday, September 28, 2013

Two Weeks...

Two weeks from today, at this time, I will be back stage and will be done with pre judging, or, still waiting to go out and compete.  The morning session is when the judges make their placement decisions.  Who will be in the Top 5, Bottom 5...then placing based upon comparison and symmetry the #1,2,3,4 and 5 finishers to receive the hardware!

I've been asked how I'm feeling...nervous? excited? ready to be done?  And the answer is: TRUE!  All of the above.  I am nervous..I keep looking at my "suit" and pray that the glue gods will be at full strength and keep it in place while I have it on.  I am excited...stage~bright lights~bling-bling~...but, ready to be done?? Not really!  I have enjoyed this journey.  I have found a new appreciation for eating healthy consistently and the importance of fueling the body appropriately.  I look forward to seeing how my body responds when I push it just a little more each week to make it stronger and bigger~without feeling like a puffed up marshmallow.

My Rheumatoid Arthritis has not interfered with my goals each week.  My shoulder joints have always been a bit of a problem area for me, but, through keeping up with stretching and doing my A.R.T. therapy with my wonderful Chiropractor, (Dr. Brian Paulson), it has not been a setback on building that area.

I have even adhered to the decreasing my aerobic output each week...we are now on week 4!  At first I was very scared to take away something that I look forward to everyday...but, I do feel that having a couple days off is a GOOD thing to let the body recover and build between sessions.  I love how my ZUMBA family is so supportive and are also there to make sure I don't get over zealous during our favorite songs!! That is soooooooo hard to dooooooo..... (I'm wining...).

I look forward to seeing Christine every week!  This past week I heard the word that almost made me pee in my bikini...Perfect!  That's how she described my posing...I couldn't believe it!!  Seriously...Perfect!!  She also gave me a lecture...I mean pep talk...about what is gonna happen on stop comparing myself to other competitors (esp looking at their pictures on Facebook-which, I haven't done since that one time!!).  I really don't want to end my relationship with this wonderful positive, inspiring, motivating and has a fantastic calming affect on me (I hear her voice in my head every time I practice...relax...spread...roll out..roll back...THERE! NICE!).  If you are even considering doing a competition, you need to remember two words:  Christine Bongiovanni!! we prep for the final two week, my nutritional requirements are up a little bit (more carb, protein and fat)~No Dairy or Wheat...amazingly, I feel more hungry!!  I can't wait to eat!

I was asked today what I want to taste/eat "first thing" after the show...I really didn't know how to answer it, and after thinking about it for awhile, I came up with the perfect answer:  the taste of VICTORY!!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day #2

The day is almost over and I still have 25g of Carbs to ingest.  Yep, and it's gonna be oatmeal!

I woke up excited to eat my normal breakfast that consists of oatmeal, protein powder and peanut butter...but then realized I needed to choose something else to stick to my nutrition goal for, egg whites and veggies filled me up!
I lifted today and actually felt pretty strong.  I went up on weights on a couple of the exercises and didn't feel as fatigued as yesterday.  I can visually tell that my body wants more of the "good stuff" muscles look a little flatter.  I figure they are weeping out glycogen....trying to hold onto as much as they can as I make them work for me!
No cardio today, but from all my running around I did today, I'm thinking I did push it more than I should of...not really a "rest day".
Now tomorrow...we fill the tank!!  I'll be traveling to be with family that hasn't seen me since I started this journey, so it will be interesting to hear their comments.  I plan on cooking up my pasta and rice to bring along and have it ready to put down the trap (60g x 6 meals!!).
Hold on muscle's...carbs are a comin!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Trying something out...

That's how she started it...Christine, my awesome trainer..."I'm thinking of trying something out with you"...I'm sitting in my seat thinking "hmmmm...adding chocolate into my daily nutrition goal??".  Nope!  "Taking away your cardio"...Nope! (thank goodness, I don't think I could live with myself-I'd be one crabby Schmabby lady!).  "Let's do a couple days of low carb and then a couple days of high carb and see how you look?"  BINGO!!
I've been pretty much following the same guidelines for the last couple weeks...shoot for 250g of Carbs, 120-150g of Protein and 50-70g of Fat per DAY!  Yes, a lot of food (friend me on My Fitness Pal and check it out if you don't believe me :).  I've gotten pretty used to eating more, and going against what you would think would happen (weight gain!), I've maintained my weight, my body fat is continuing to drop and I'm increasing my lean body mass (muscle mass/weight)...all good stuff if it's not too fast.  So, when Christine asks me if I can do it..of course, I say YES!...I will do whatever she tells me to do.  (She is my master...).

So, here's the, I dropped my carbs down to 75g and my fat to 50g..protein to stay at 120-150g.  Now, that may seem like a pretty easy thing to do, but when you are used to having close to a 100g of carbs in you by early afternoon everyday, to have to drop it down to about a third for the whole day seems like you've lost a close bread rounds~my rice cakes~my rice medley~my morning oatmeal~~~I was so lonely today without them!!!
But, the day is almost done and I still have 25g of carbs to get in--YIPPEE!  Gonna eat my oatmeal and fill my tummy before I go to bed tonight!
How do I feel??  Well, I taught class this morning-felt great.  Taught TRX Fusion-drank my protein shake.  Lifted weights and could tell that I fatigued a bit faster than normal.  I usually eat 50g of carbs before I lift and 50g of carbs after I lift...but today, I only had 25g after I lifted.
I've kept myself busy all afternoon-taking care of "stuff" that I haven't been able to get done during the week.  Mainly, so I wouldn't wander into the kitchen and stare at the fruit on the counter.  I swear it was calling my name..."Caryn...I'm so sweet and full of natural sugar...Come Eat me!!".  But I held off and had a nice bowl of oatmeal while I sat around the campfire with my fam!  I told them I was eating my 3rd s'more while I spooned in my carb loaded concoction! (was practicing my visualization techniques!).
Tomorrow will be like today.  I know I will get through it.  I'm looking forward to Monday and Tuesday when I will balloon up like I've put the life vest on from the airplane.  I'll put the little tube in my mouth (carbs) and blow up my muscle bellies.  They will be so happy to have their glycogen stores filled back up.  I will be with my family so I hope they are ready to eat...a LOT!
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes...but for today...40 more minutes until I get oatmeal!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The List....

It's posted..the list...Caryn Locke #27...Brittani Locke's getting real.  Real scary...Real nervous..real!  There's a lot of names on the lists, many competitor that have done this type of thang many times already.  I bet they aren't nervous.  I bet they looked me up on Facebook just like I did to find them and try to figure out what I'm bringing to the stage.  If I had a heart rate monitor on, I'd definitely be in my training zone...

So, I'll push that out of my head and focus on the next 3+ weeks.  My suit arrived on Saturday and after digging in the envelope to see where the rest of the material was, I have accepted that it's made to accent my assets.  Which I am hoping will be stage worthy to wear that bedazzled sliver of cloth!

I meet with Christine tomorrow and she wants to see me pose in my new suit (I hope it stays put!!).....OMG...I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!!!...ok, refocus...Let's remember what I have done up to this point.  I've followed my lifting schedule and feel stronger and that my "muscle bellies" have filled out (Brittani's goal for me!).  I've followed my nutrition guidelines and the last two weeks have stuck to decreasing my cardio so I can increase my muscle weight.  My body fat has gone down and my posing has become more relaxed.  I've learned to twist, turn, smile, and walk in my hooker shoes. Check~Check~Check.
I've received such awesome encouragement from so many people and I feel much more comfortable talking about what I'm doing.  I do feel like things are falling into place and I've come farther than I thought I could..but...I'm now at a point where I want to WIN!  Ok, I admit, I am a smidge competitive.  (Thus the FB stalking...).  I'm hoping that smidge will take me all the way to having a piece of hardware placed in my hands...I'm going to work hard the next couple weeks, so watch out!!  COMPETITOR in TRAINING to WIN!!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Five weeks...Five weeks...Five weeks...actually, 4 weeks and 6 days until "The Show!".  Brittani and I meet with Christine every week now.  She continues to evaluate our progress, refine posing, restructure nutrition schedule (NOT diet!) and make recommendations to prepare the body for the next 5 weeks.

It's still doesn't get easier, just more refined.  My nutrition needs have been shifted to try to slow down the pace that my body is transforming...CRAZY to have to decrease my cardio and increase my carbohydrate and fat intake so my body will not get too lean.  But, I am behaving...NO cardio on Thursday's and Sunday's-these are the days I do not teach ZUMBA-and, during my ZUMBA classes I'm instructed to decrease my intensity, which I am still figuring out!  It is very hard for me to not get pumped up when I teach.   The energy in the class is contagious and I love getting into the music and moving thy body!  Brittani is my moderator...she will catch my eye and say: "stay low!", or,  "you're not supposed to be doing that!", or, "you need to tame it down, cha cha!"~ I'm TrYiNg!!  If my Body Fat and weight are stable at my next appointment, then we know we've found the right mix for the next couple weeks.  So, fingers crossed that my good behavior will pay off...

I am proud of myself for not giving up and cheating on this journey..yes, I've watched people eat carrot cake with 1" thick cream cheese frosting, chocolate cake that looks so moist you could ball it up and eat it like a huge snow cone, tator tot hotdish (I made it and didn't even do a taste test!), peanut butter M&M's, and ice cream cake from cold stone creamery.  I've thought about having 'just 1' adult drinkey-drink, I've walked past wonderful looking pastries and homemade cookies and bars, and inhaled the luscious smell of gooey, cheesy, loaded with goodness, pizza....but, when I decided to do this "thing",  I decided to do it all the way. I don't like to deprive myself of anything, and know that on October 12th, (that evening-in fact), I can decide how I want to start eating these "foods that do not contribute to my fitness journey right now".

For now, I will continue to log my food in my app (friend me on 'my fitness pal' if you want to see what I'm eating), continue to work on creating a "V" with my back (lift those weights, gurl!), walk in my 5" heels (I actually look somewhat normal now!) and practice my quarter turns and model poses.

I'm can almost (almost) feel the well endowed lady with the long flowing hair being placed in my hands...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Influences and Attitude

There are some days where you just need a little nudge, glimmer of light, slap on the back, or, just a smile to get you through.  What helps you get through those kind of days?  Caffeine?  Phone calls? music? a good nap??

I'm still trying to figure out how I cope with the many situations that I seem to encounter..sometimes daily.  Anger, stress, unplanned events, disappointments, anxiety, fear and everything else that is part of a normal day.   I think my response may be dependent on where I am in my "monthly gift" cycle--one of the weeks I'm too tired to really follow through, the next week I'm ready to take on the world (and the planets), the next week I can't remember why I walked into a room, or, where I put my ipod, can't finish telling a story because I forgot what point I was trying to make, and feel like I'm chasing my tail. Then there's the week where it's: "LOOK OUT!! YOU WILL NOT WIN THIS WEEK!!" (I've actually used that line with my family members...or, they say I give them "the look" and they know to not go there...I have not idea what they are referring to....)

I like to look at situations and treat them as an individual file in my huge filing cabinet (inside my head).. look at each one separately, what can I do about it, what is out of my control, is there a silver lining?  Is it really as bad as I think it is, or, am I overreacting?  Would be nice to say that this is an easy process....but,
I have watched my sister cope with the loss of her husband to cancer...then, her oldest son was diagnosed with cancer...watched her put herself through LPN and RN school, and, just recently passed her RN boards.  We met for lunch a couple weeks ago and while I was driving away, I had an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness to have such a strong role model in my life.  I have always looked up to her, we have been there for each other and I know that know matter what life throws her way--she's going to be just fine!
I have watched another sister lose a child after 3 days of giving birth.  The dark pitted sorrow that she felt and what she went through will always be in my heart.  However, she choose to use her experience to help others and be the person that would be there for you in a second if you needed her.  She is my rock, the one I call when I just need to cry and know that she will understand.  She has taught me how to cope when things seem so gray that you don't know if there is another side.
I feel blessed to be surrounded by supportive people that are also a positive influence in how I choose to live my life.  I do not tolerate negativity very well...if you have spent time with me, I'm sure you witnessed me saying "NO NEGATIVITY!"  I've had my share of dealing with negative personalities..they are everywhere.  But I choose to not let them influence me.
I am an educated woman, I know the difference between right and wrong and I have always felt that I can read people pretty I thought...I've been in a situation where I was totally fooled by another persons sincerity.  To find out down the road that discussions that you felt were private-were actually made public...emotions that you felt were respected-were actually the center of stories told about you...and values that you uphold in your life-were ridiculed and twisted to become an entertaining conversation subject when you weren't around...oh yes...I know negativity and the impact it can have on someones life.  NOT FUN!

I am in a better place, surrounded by a family that I love, friends that understand what being a "friend" truly means, and work with people that encourage success.  I have no room for Negative Nellie's!  I realize that what I went through has made me stronger and allowed me to challenge myself with goals that a year ago I didn't think I could reach (ie: the upcoming show!!!!!).
So, even when I'm tired, assertive, hyper or determined-I know that my actions and words are all dictated by me...I choose how I live my life, I will spend time with people that encourage and support one another, I will cheer for everyone that needs a lift in their day...and will always smile and be pleasant to grumpy people (that really gets them!).
So...there you have it...Deep Thoughts by Caryn Locke...