Monday, February 17, 2014

Transition Phase....Almost, Complete!

It's getting closer...the date...of my next competition.  I'm still in the transition phase--adding weight, not only in the weight room, but also on my body ;).
  It's been such a different experience for me the last couple months.  Eating and lifting to get bigger...put on weight...& grow those muscle bellies.  I think it's the first time in my life where I'm trying to put on weight, and, accepting it as a good thing.  I've had a couple emotional when most of my work clothes for my big girl job no longer fit...and, I have a basket full of ZUMBA pants that used to be baggie on me, but now, I can barely get them over my bootie!  Not to mention that NONE of my bras fit, unless I add an extender to them!
 It definitely takes me longer to find things to wear these days....but...I know the reason why and I've made myself embrace the changes and congratulated myself on sticking to the plan.  I want to look different when I step on the stage in June.  The judges recommended I widen my back and fill out my glutes, well, tight pants and bras surely support those changes!!

I'm getting antsy to get into the prep phase.  I'm anxious to see how everything responds this time compared to last year.  Will my nutrition plan be different?  Will I look like I have a waist?  Will I still remember how to walk in my shoes :).  I guess we'll just have to wait and the journey, I keep telling myself...and, be patience...Christine knows what's she's doing!

1 comment:

  1. You have the cutest bootie ever and don't forget it! Your body and discipline amazes me. I wish I had your emotional, beautiful strength.
