Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Getting a couple points straight...

I thought it would be good to share a little history about me.  This was mainly brought to mind because I've had so many comments lately of people saying that they couldn't do what I'm doing.  Well, I was saying the same thing about a year ago...

I was the girl that had good intentions, but would not always stick to a scheduled plan.
I was the girl that wanted instant results, and would give up when I didn't see anything happening in a week.
I was the girl that would have "just one more cookie" that turned into...well, who really counts how many cookies you eat??
I was the girl that would think that eating less would produce the results I wanted.
I was the girl that would eat out of boredom, or when I was stressed.
I was the girl that would eat what everyone else was eating because I didn't want to be different.

So, you see, I'm pretty normal.  I AM just like you.  The only difference from today compared to almost a year ago, is that "I" decided I wanted to make a change..to challenge myself...to see if I could do it.

I really didn't think I could.  Every morning I would wake up and say to myself...Why are you doing this?  Do you need to do this?  Are you sure you want to do this?
The answers were..."I really don't know"...."No, not really"....and "I'm not sure".
However, at the end of the day when I stuck to my plan for the day, my answers to those three questions began to change...
Why am I doing this?  I like the idea of a new challenge, to do something different, to change what I'm currently doing to see what happens
Do I need to do this?  Well, no.  But, why not?  Life is short (stay awake for it!).  Let's see what happens when you do change things up a bit.
Are you sure you want to do this?  Each day the answer would turn more toward YES.  Especially, when I would start to see changes happening.

The physical changes didn't happen overnight.  But the secondary benefits started within days...I slept better, my joints felt great, I had more energy, my skin became clearer (yes, I still get pimples like a school girl!).  I just felt....better!
It really wasn't about what the scale said.  Did I notice I had more energy throughout the day?  Did I feel better and more energetic when I exercised?  Did I not rely on caffeine to get me through the 3pm hump everyday?  Yes...Yes...and Yes!

I have to add that having the support of my family has made a tremendous difference.  My poor boys have not had birthday cake this past year...Mother's Day and Father's Day went by without the traditional visit to cold stone creamery...Mama's not baking cookies and bars and making hotdishes!!  I make my food, it's all measured and I cannot share.  I know my food smells good cuz you are hungry (because I don't cook for you), but you cannot have any.  Bad mommy!!
On the flip side (like flipping pancakes!), my family has been my lifesaver.  Telling me I'm doing great!  Mom, your ripped!  Mom...Front Double Bicep pose...do it now!  My house is crazy at times!  But, I love it.  I couldn't do it without them.
The people you surround yourself with are also a huge influence on how you progress.  Are you able to feel proud about all your changes?  Do you feel comfortable talking about your lifestyle changes and know that you wont be judged?  Will they encourage you when you are feeling like giving up?
I am so blessed to have people that wrap me up in their arms everyday and tell me to keep going.  I get funny Facebook stickers from some that represent how I'm feeling, or, pics of encouragement to stay strong.  Texts and emails from people that I have encouraged to make changes in their own life.  Pinterest shares of recipes and motivational quotes.  

So, let's readdress the questions today:
Why am I doing this?
   Because, I am determined to do something different and achieve a new goal at my age.
Do I need to do this?
   Yes.  I want to prove to my inner voice that I am stronger than all the negative thoughts that can creep into my head on a daily basis.
Are you sure you want to do this?
   I'm in too far to turn back now!!  Let's do this, give it 100% and never look back with a "I wish I would've..."  statement.

Each day is a challenge, but as you become stronger, so does your determination and willpower to keep going.
I will always be that girl that enjoys food and having fun in life...but, after going through this experience, I now go through life with a different outlook and attitude toward my health!  Fuel the body with goodness, and goodness will follow:)

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