Thursday, June 19, 2014

Throw Back Thursday...

I feel so different this time.  I remember last October and the nervous excitement I felt before Brittani and I headed to Minneapolis.  This time, I will be alone back stage...

In October, Brittani was my lifesaver.  I was in a fog..didn't know what to do, when to do it, where to go and for what length of time.

There are "things" that need to take place before you put on your shoes and step on stage...under the bright lights...into the little front of the judges....

You need to eat a small concoction of carbs to fuel the body (dictated by the Master).  Then, you need to make sure you PUMP up to get the muscle bellies looking full.  You also need to get in line and have lovely people oil you down so you look fantastic under the lights.  Don't forget to make sure your suit is glued down so it doesn't creep into places it shouldn't!!  And, if needed, get your spray tan fixed if you accidentally got water on yourself, or, if you were sweating.  (The tan turns green if you sweat, not good!).

The back stage ringmaster will yell out which order should be lining up to "walk" to the other side of the stage...who should be warming up...who should be getting ready to line up next.

It's a small area where all this happens...dumbbells and exercise bands are all over the place.  You gotta find what you need and a small space to work on what you need to do.  There are some mirrors set up...not many..if you want to go through your poses one more time and see yourself.

The atmosphere is usually jovial.  Maybe because everyone are looking forward to the after the show food???
The competitors are very supportive of each other...I especially witnessed this with those that had competed previously...they seemed so relaxed and would engage in casual conversation so much easier than us virgins.  "Where are you from?"  "Is this your first competition?"  "YOU look great!"  "Just have fun!" (yeah, right! Maybe, when all the nervous bugs leave my body!!).  To..funny stories of situations that happened during the prep season-to- talking about what they are looking forward to eating-and-NEVER eating again!!

The one thing that everyone backstage has in common is that they have all changed their lifestyle, nutrition consumption, personal and social life, and exercise regimen for THIS ONE DAY!

Some are there to cross off a personal goal, an achievement that they never thought they could come close to.
Some are there to move onto the next step of competing at a National Level with the dream of moving on to the Professional level.
Some are there because this is part of their compete in a annual show and have that be part of their yearly bucket list.
No matter what the goal for the day is...we've been through a life changing 12+ weeks of preparation that we all can relate to.

I've had days where I've been so exhausted I've sat in my bed and cried.  I've asked myself the question of "why is a lady of my age doing this??"  How can I get through another day of feeling like the end is so close, but feels so far away.
Do you know what I do?
I tell myself "Suck it up, Buttercup!"
 You can do this!!
You are healthy, you are strong and you've got people that believe in you and support you...Now, start  believing in yourself!
Wipe away those tears...go make your egg whites and drink your water...You are one step closer to saying, I DID IT!

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