Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Just in case you were wondering..Yes, I am stubborn!

I've been asked a couple times when I'm going to start blogging again...well, might as well be now!
  I can't believe it's only been 3, almost 4 weeks, since Brittani and I walked on stage.  I keep looking at the pictures and thinking back to that day and still can't believe it is already done!
So, now what?  I've met with Christine since the show to get some help with the off season time.  From the judges critiques, I need to work on growing my shoulders and arms to make my physique look more balanced. I don't have a waist...that's just how it is...but I can change how my upper body compares to my lower body by building up the muscle bellies above the navel!
Recommendations are to put away the food scale..enjoy food...don't worry about lifting and just get back to "normal" for a couple weeks.  Well, that's kinda hard to do after 12 weeks of structure.  Even for someone like me that really isn't a "structured" person.  Yes, I do like to keep things in order (to a certain point--my house is NOT always tidy:)...and I do like to keep appointments (but don't really LIKE to be told what to do!), when you've adapted a lifestyle that revolves around eating, measuring, lifting, scheduling, counting and's hard to just quit!  
Our bodies are funny...the mind may say one thing, but the body can really tell you what to do...for example...I did stay away from lifting (for about a week).  I did put away the food scale, measuring cups and spoons.  I did enjoy treats and sweets and a beer or two. I returned to teaching my balls-to-the-wall~let's get this~ high energy~pinging off the walls ZUMBA classes.  Then what does the body do?  Says "hold on their, Missy, I have another plan for you!" 
It started with a sinus infection...then, just yesterday, was diagnosed with pneumonia.  Did I feel this coming on?? Yep...I can tell when my body is tired, when I'm pushing it too much, and when I'm starting to feel like I need to rest (it's ONE of the positives for having Rheumatoid Arthritis)...but did I listen..of course not.  I kept going...pushing forward and now along with an inhaler and a strong Kick-the-bug-in-the-ass antibiotic...I'm recovering. 

I guess you could say I am lucky...I really haven't had a fever..maybe catching the sinus infection early and starting on one antibiotic contained the sickness.  

I'm looking forward to spending some down time this weekend with my hubby...removing me from my daily schedule is a good thing.  Looking forward to getting back to normal and working on filling up my muscle bellies for my next upcoming competition...

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