That's how she started it...Christine, my awesome trainer..."I'm thinking of trying something out with you"...I'm sitting in my seat thinking "hmmmm...adding chocolate into my daily nutrition goal??". Nope! "Taking away your cardio"...Nope! (thank goodness, I don't think I could live with myself-I'd be one crabby Schmabby lady!). "Let's do a couple days of low carb and then a couple days of high carb and see how you look?" BINGO!!
I've been pretty much following the same guidelines for the last couple weeks...shoot for 250g of Carbs, 120-150g of Protein and 50-70g of Fat per DAY! Yes, a lot of food (friend me on My Fitness Pal and check it out if you don't believe me :). I've gotten pretty used to eating more, and going against what you would think would happen (weight gain!), I've maintained my weight, my body fat is continuing to drop and I'm increasing my lean body mass (muscle mass/weight)...all good stuff if it's not too fast. So, when Christine asks me if I can do it..of course, I say YES!...I will do whatever she tells me to do. (She is my master...).
So, here's the, I dropped my carbs down to 75g and my fat to 50g..protein to stay at 120-150g. Now, that may seem like a pretty easy thing to do, but when you are used to having close to a 100g of carbs in you by early afternoon everyday, to have to drop it down to about a third for the whole day seems like you've lost a close bread rounds~my rice cakes~my rice medley~my morning oatmeal~~~I was so lonely today without them!!!
But, the day is almost done and I still have 25g of carbs to get in--YIPPEE! Gonna eat my oatmeal and fill my tummy before I go to bed tonight!
How do I feel?? Well, I taught class this morning-felt great. Taught TRX Fusion-drank my protein shake. Lifted weights and could tell that I fatigued a bit faster than normal. I usually eat 50g of carbs before I lift and 50g of carbs after I lift...but today, I only had 25g after I lifted.
I've kept myself busy all afternoon-taking care of "stuff" that I haven't been able to get done during the week. Mainly, so I wouldn't wander into the kitchen and stare at the fruit on the counter. I swear it was calling my name..."Caryn...I'm so sweet and full of natural sugar...Come Eat me!!". But I held off and had a nice bowl of oatmeal while I sat around the campfire with my fam! I told them I was eating my 3rd s'more while I spooned in my carb loaded concoction! (was practicing my visualization techniques!).
Tomorrow will be like today. I know I will get through it. I'm looking forward to Monday and Tuesday when I will balloon up like I've put the life vest on from the airplane. I'll put the little tube in my mouth (carbs) and blow up my muscle bellies. They will be so happy to have their glycogen stores filled back up. I will be with my family so I hope they are ready to eat...a LOT!
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes...but for today...40 more minutes until I get oatmeal!!
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